
Your Spine Treatment is in Good Hands

Your Spine Treatment is in Good Hands

A Concierge Spine Experience

Masters Spine Institute was formed with one goal in mind: to bring together master’s Level Surgeons with extreme focus and the highest level of expertise in innovative, truly minimally invasive, fast recovery spinal surgical techniques. With a team made up of Master Surgeons who have been in practice for more than 20 years, we utilize these techniques to address the underlying cause of symptoms, and not only preserve function but, in many cases, restore it. 

Our Approach

We are passionate about our patient’s success and provide the best experience from the very beginning during our consultation, through the treatment process, and after the procedure is over.

Our mission is to match our Master Surgeons with highly motivated warrior athletes who are experiencing a spinal health crisis and are seeking to find the most effective surgical solution and rapid path to recovery.

We carefully choose and recommend surgery only for patients that we passionately believe will benefit from this intervention. Our success is intricately tied to making a congruent match between each individual patient’s spinal condition and Master Surgeon within our Institute. 

Interested in learning more about our unique concierge approach? Contact us today to set up a consultation.

Spine Treatments designed to get you back in the Game

Your spine health matters to us and our elite staff is ready to help you get back to enjoying life and doing the things you love.

A concierge spine practice dedicated to the prevention, wellness, and extreme recovery of spinal injury patients across the globe.

For more information on how we help you through your entire treatment journey, schedule a consultation.

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Contact Us

Park City: (833) MSI DOCS